Tony Wynn is an intuitive artist
from Galveston, Texas.
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Later in the barn getting the story straight
/Exhibition Portfolio
mixed media on Aquarelle18x24 framed
New York 1999
text reads: Artist Remembers a story about guards
in front of the classroom
mixed media on Aquarelle20x26 framed
Miami 2003
text reads:  Malcolm X as Worship Leader
18x24 mixed media on Aquarelle
Sea Isle 2001
Super Patriot
18x24 mixed media on Aquarelle
Sea Isle 2002
Miss Puerto Rico
24x24 mixed media on Canvas
Miami 2005
Paul the Postal Worker
12x12 mixed media on Canvas
New York 2000
making up for a lack of imagination
64x62mixed media on canvas
Rent House 2005
the president addresses the ununited nations
like a comedy routine
at an integrated night club
pointing here and there and laughing
supported by the laughing staff
and by the staff of laughing supporters
and points to a little small sweating mexican
and says we need a fence for him
and to a little small sweating arab
says we need more bombs for them
and to a little small sweating african
he says if you were pure
you would need no cure
he says it’s a new kind of war (with the old kind of reasons)
and to their feet to cheering the crowd roars approval
for the policy passionate play of
the president of the ununited states of america
as he now leaves the building
remain seated so that we can begin the After Show...
the lights dim, roll the projector
(somebody call Hugo)

getting the story straight
it's called a doctrine

reminds me of an old western
in a black and white scene
the ne'er do well son of the richest man in town
and his gang
get drunk with power and start a fight
and shoot an unarmed country in cold blood
sixty thousand people fall dead with shock and awe
six hundred thousand injured beyond repair and counting
six million are now mad and swarming like six million bees do
and everyone is staring at the son, holding the gun,
and the scene goes to commercial (selling something about mushroom clouds)
and begins again with the gang
the cold blood gang
later in the barn getting the story straight
to tell to the town
and later to the judge that the other guy
holding no gun
drew first. He says I know it is complicated
but you have to believe, it’s called a doctrine. I had to shoot him
cause I thought
he was going to might be going to get the story straight


Later in the Barn Getting the Story Straight
36 x 24 inmixed media on canvas
Berlin 2006
Thursday's Hostage
16x20 mixed media on Canvas
Miami 2003
Friday's Hostage
16x20 mixed media on Canvas
Miami 2003